I don't know about you, but I think about the environment and my little space in it. I really can't go protest to save the rainforest in the Amazon, but I can stop buying little plastic bottles of water. Little plastic bottles of water end up in our landfill and they will remain there. According to stats from the Clean Air Council... "Americans throw away 2.5 million plastic bottles every hour. That is alot, folks. So...
I was very pleased to read a story by David Bois on Tonic.com about Coca Cola Co. developing their new PlantBottle they estimate "represents a carbon footprint improvement that may approach a 20 percent reduction in impact." Good for Coca Cola. Here is the link to the story http://www.tonic.com/article/cokes-new-plantbottle-hits-the-shelves/
Purchasing bottled water is something we are really comfortable with these days and many people can't do without it. I am fortunate to live in an area with great water, however, those little bottles are so handy, aren't they? One answer to the dilemma...purchase large 5 gallon-sized water bottles, you know those that come with a dispenser the company will place in your own home -- Culligan, Arrowhead, Crystal Geyser -- and fill up a water bottle you buy at your favorite store that you use over and over again. One person can make a difference...really. No, really.
Resist the convenience of those little bottles.